Dear Holden,
This is something you would love about the world I live in. An Ipod with noise canceling headphones. I think you would like these because while reading your book I noticed that you were often looking for an escape and for someone to talk to, if you had an Ipod with these headphones you could escape from the real world and not be so lonesome because you could always be listening to music (like that record you bought for Phoebe). You probably don’t know what an Ipod is so I will tell you, it’s a very small device that lets you listen to music no matter where you are, and noise canceling headphones let you cancel out any noise so all you here is your music and you won’t hear the annoying noise of the cars that you hate so much. Another great thing about Ipod's is that you can download and audio book to it. An audio book is a book that is being read out loud, that way you can listen to all of DB’s books when you are walking around the city. Also you could also record a conversation you have with Phoebe and put then on your Ipod, that way when you are at your next boarding school you could listen to it and not feel so lonesome. An Ipod could also help you with school because you might be able to get a recording of some of your teacher’s notes, then when you put the notes on your Ipod you could listen to them later on. This would help you apply your self in school and make your parents, Phoebe, and if you ever talk to him again Mr.Antolini, very very proud. Also some Ipod’s play video so you could watch D.B’s newest movies (even though you think the movies are so phony) it would give you guys something to talk to next time you get together.
Brian Elberg
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